BeehiveRP Three Strikes Policy
This is the agreement (hereafter "Terms") between BeehiveRP (hereafter "BeehiveRP" and you the user (hereafter ("Users") outlining the responsibilities and obligations in respect of the Three Strikes Policy (hereafter "the Policy"). Users must agree to be bound by these terms upon appealing a ban from a BeehiveRP server. BeehiveRP utilises volunteers/admins (hereafter "Staff Members") to support the needs of the community and to enforce rules and the Terms. Staff Members are identifiable by specific user groups and are given additional powers above regular Users.
Users who breach any part of these Terms will be subject to the penalties set out below by Staff Members.
1. Conditions of the Policy
1.1 Users that are required to consent to the Policy as part of a ban appeal must agree to abide by the following conditions:
1.1A Users are not permitted to apply for a moderation or staff position for the remainder of their tenure at BeehiveRP.
1.1B Users are not permitted to apply for a whitelisted division including AOS or Civilian status without authority from Staff Members who hold the title of Manager or above.
1.1C Users will be subject to strict monitoring by Staff Members.
1.2 If Staff Members wish to apply the Policy to Users who are not appealing a ban, then they must obtain permission from the Community Manager or their delegate and advise the Users of their intention to apply the Policy to them.
1.3 If Users who are subject to section 1.2 do not wish to be bound by the Policy, then Staff Members have the option to issue a permanent ban in accordance with Rule 11 of the Community Rules.
2. Effect of the Policy
2.1 Users subject to the Policy will be warned for every rule violation that is directly observed by Staff Members. Each warning will be logged via TxAdmin and will require the Users to acknowledge the warning in game before they are able to continue playing. Each warning will be tagged with "Strike [1, 2, 3]".
2.2 Users may still be subject to such disciplinary action by Staff Members as they consider fit and in accordance with Rule 11 of the Community Rules.
2.3 Users who receive three warnings that are indicated as counting towards the "strike" total will receive a permanent ban from the BeehiveRP network of servers.
3. Application of the Policy in respect of the BeehiveRP Community
3.1 For the purposes of this section, the BeehiveRP Community (hereafter "the Community") includes all BeehiveRP branded platforms including:
3.1A Any BeehiveRP Discord Servers
3.1B Any BeehiveRP Website
3.1C Any BeehiveRP Game Servers
3.2 Users who are subject to the Policy may receive a ban from the Community if the obtain three strikes. This section will not apply to all Users and Users will be informed by the Community Manager or their delegate if this section applies.
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