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  • Store and Purchase Policy


    BeehiveRP Store & Purchase Policy

    This is the agreement (hereafter “Terms”) between BeehiveRP (hereafter "BeehiveRP") and you the user (hereafter “Users”) outlining each parties responsibilities in exchange for use of BeehiveRP services and platforms. Users must abide by these terms at all times while accessing the BeehiveRP community and when donating or purchasing any item, product or subscription from the BeehiveRP  webstore. BeehiveRP utilises volunteers/admins (hereafter “Staff Members”) to support the needs of the community and to enforce rules and the terms. Staff members are identifiable by specific user groups and are given some added powers above regular users.

    Users who breach any part of these terms will face administrative action by BeehiveRP staff members. Administrative action may include temporary or permanent loss of access to BeehiveRP services, account restrictions and/or forfeiting of purchased digital goods without refund.

    1. General Access to BeehiveRP Services

    1.1 Users are to be aware that game servers frequently have technical difficulties and our services (including content you may have paid for) may be down or unavailable for extended periods of time. In any case, BeehiveRP will attempt to resolve any technical issues as a priority when it is within our control. BeehiveRP will not be held liable for any lost rewards or time as the result of service downtime or unavailability.

    2. Purchases & Products

    2.1 BeehiveRP maintains an online webstore selling various digital items, products, subscriptions and accepts donations in order to financially support the operations of the community and associated game servers.

    2.2 Users agree that they are, or have the bill payers permission prior to making any purchase. Users under the age of 16 must have parental/guardian approval prior to making a purchase through our webstore.

    2.3 Unless otherwise stated, users acknowledge that they are purchasing digital goods which are intangible and you will receive no physical item or product. Access to your products or perks will only be available through BeehiveRP services while your purchase is active and while you have access to the community. Digital goods provided by BeehiveRP are not permanent and may be removed, changed or substituted on reasonable grounds or in situations otherwise specified in the terms.

    2.4 If users experience any significant issues, complications or delays regarding your purchased perks or items, you should contact BeehiveRP  as soon as possible via a website support ticket. BeehiveRP will attempt to resolve any issues as a priority within a reasonable time. The majority of our payment  and distribution systems are automated and errors may not be automatically detected. BeehiveRP cannot be held liable for any lost time or items where BeehiveRP was not made aware of the issue within a reasonable time.

    2.5 BeehiveRP reserves the right to add, remove, substitute or otherwise change any perks, product specifications or product access associated with purchases or subscriptions at any time for any reason without notice.

    2.6 BeehiveRP periodically lists vehicles for the online service “FiveM” in the webstore. Due to the nature of the game server, vehicles (including those purchased from the webstore) may be removed, modified, substituted or no longer available to access in-game. This could be due to the technical instability of the vehicle, copyright issues or server wipes. BeehiveRP considers the ‘Fair Use’ time of a vehicle to be 4 months from the time of purchase. Should a purchased vehicle (or other similar product) be no longer available to the user within 4 months of purchase, BeehiveRP will provide a suitable replacement vehicle to the user. Should no suitable vehicle (as deemed by BeehiveRP ) be made available to the user, a webstore credit may be issued for the original purchase value. In any case where a user has had access to the purchased vehicle for over 4 months, BeehiveRP considers that the user has experienced the full fair use of the product and no compensation or replacement will be offered.

    3. Refunds, Returns & Disputes

    3.1 Users may request refunds within 24 hours of purchase where the digital goods purchased have not been used, such as a “change of mind” return. After a user has accessed or otherwise used the digital goods, refunds are typically no longer offered. BeehiveRP may at its discretion offer refunds or store credits where applicable.

    3.2 Users who breach any of the BeehiveRP terms and/or rules and are either temporarily or permanently banned from our services forfeit their ability to access perks for the duration of that ban. Any lost time or perks will not be compensated when caused by the user.

    3.3 Users who encounter any delays, disputes or other issues must lodge a support ticket on our website and a staff member will assist as soon as possible.

    3.4 Once a purchase has been completed and a user has gained access to their digital goods, the digital goods are not able to be swapped for other digital goods. With the exception of the "change of mind return" as detailed in 3.1, all purchases are final.  

    3.5 Users who commence a PayPal chargeback procedure without prior discussion and settlement with BeehiveRP will receive a permanent ban from all BeehiveRP services and lose all access to any previous digital goods purchased. BeehiveRP will provide evidence of the digital goods being on your account as well as highlighting sections of these terms as required.

    3.6 BeehiveRP may at their discretion offer refunds, credits or substitutions out of goodwill. BeehiveRP also may provide free subscriptions or other products in the course of competitions, promotional activity or in any other situation at their discretion.

    3.7 BeehiveRP will comply with all relevant consumer law in New Zealand as per Commerce Commission guidelines. Any contradictions in this policy regarding consumer rights is unintentional. 

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